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Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Okay - so I'm going to give this a try! Probably won't do it again, but it could be funny! This idea is from the blog I like to read called "My Charming Kids".

Not me Monday... I would never wake up late and think it is okay because my boss wasn't going to be at work today - Not Me! I'm always an early bird who is the first to arrive to work! Yup - that describes me accurately!

Not me.... I would never forget my work ID badge as I'm half way to work, and give serious consideration to turning around. Nope - I'm always on top of things and can't imagine forgetting something as vital as the badge that not only gets me in the door, but allows me to get onto each of our 7 floors. So I would never forget my badge to work.

I also would never loose my meeting binder that holds some key information about employees, meetings, and HR policy. I would never go the entire day searching for something that important, only to discover that I left it all weekend long in the training room that I was in last Friday. Nope - that isn't something I would do.

I also wouldn't wear such a casual outfit to work only to discover that I have a 90 minute presentation to new Leadership at work. And if I did discover this very situation, I would never run out over lunch to Marshalls to pick up a nicer top to wear. That would be silly!

And above all, I would never have turned in 30 administrative forms to be processed last Friday only to discover today that I did them wrong and have effectively messed up payroll for 30 people, causing one person to stay late on the day she planned a half day of PTO. Nope, I would never do that. Even if it was a total honest mistake, and a mistake that I will never do again. Not me!

So once I escape the terrible Monday workday that didn't happen, I of course would not decide to sit on the couch and blog, rather than be healthy and work out on the treadmill. I am definitely very dedicated to running and find it very thrilling. Yup. No blogging & watching tv.... only working out for me!

Well, back to the treadmill! Hope everyone had a better Monday than I had!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did this all really happen to you? That is hilarious! That would have been some good laughs Monday night. I hope you are having a good day.