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Thursday, September 9, 2010

School time again!

Well, it's official... I have a kid in elementary school! Myles started 1st grade this year, and is going to a new school. Last year he was at a school that was a Kindergarten center, but now he is at a different school for the next 5 years! Another big change this year is that he gets to ride the bus to and from school. I bring him to daycare, they get a group of kids on the bus to head to school for the day, and then after school is done they get dropped off at the same bus stop & goes back to daycare for an hour. He was so thrilled to be a 1st grader, and was thrilled to ride the bus. Funny how you start your school career thinking the bus is cool, but end your school career dreading the fact that you have to ride the bus. :)

This week has been good for Myles at school. He says he likes his teacher, and seems to like what he is learning. We are hopeful that this year is a little better than last year, and that he continues to learn new and exciting things at school!

We are so proud of Myles!

It was cold and rainy on the first day - here is Myles waiting at the bus stop for his first day of school! Sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!! (and no, I didn't cry!)

Here are some of the kids from daycare that are at the bus stop. It is so nice that there is a big group that all ride the bus together.

These 3 boys are buddies at daycare, but each one is in a different grade in school. But they looked so cute I had to take a picture!

Here he is.... about to take his first step on the school bus!

I made him pause for a picture. After this he bolted on the bus and sat in the 2nd row. Glad he is up front!

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