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Monday, September 7, 2009

Good bye baby... Hello big girl!

I've been told that the second child seems to grow up faster than your first. I now believe just that. Holly seems to be older than her age (sometimes however she can throw a really good 2 year old tantrum!) and so we decided that she was ready to transition from the crib, and into her toddler bed. I was both excited, nervous, and a little sad. She is my last baby, and this is a big step towards growing up. But on Saturday night we said good bye to baby Holly's crib, and embraced her toddler bed! She actually slept wonderfully on it, and has for the past 2 nights. Even nap time has gone well. So I guess that confirms that she was ready. But I'm already missing the crib and the many nights (okay.... every single night since she was born) that I would rock her and sing her songs before laying her in her crib. This is much harder on me than it is on her! But I'm so proud of how she is turning into such a wonderful little girl!

Good bye to a great baby crib!

Hello to a cute big girl bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK you guys, I can only take so much growing up! No more crib,no more baby, no, no, no! Seriously, I know that Holly was ready for her big bed and I'm sure she is proud of herself. Love, Grandma