Welcome to The Johnson Family Blog

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Super Fun Saturday!

Holly looking like the cutest Pirate ever!

Myles in his Pirate Hat having fun!
Erik is the Pirate now! Look at the Treasure he is holding!
Andrea and her little girl!!!!

Myles Ice Skating for the first time -watch the You Tube Video in the post below!

What a wonderful day! In the morning we just hung out, watched cartoons, and painted. Myles then played outside with Erik and they dug a snow tunnel. Myles then napped for 2.5 hours (which happens about twice a year!), and woke up in a great mood! We went out for Chinese food for dinner and then Myles and I went to the Ice Arena to give Ice Skating a try. Myles had zero fear! I could barely get his skates on fast enough and he was out on the ice like a flash! He grabbed one of the trainers to hold onto and he was off! We skated for about 40 minutes, and finally decided to head home. Tomorrow is Sunday School, and Myles will get to sing in church with all the little kids in class. It should be interesting!
Hope you are having as great of a weekend as we are!

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