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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Erica & Pete Lehner get Married!

Erica & Pete in the park - very classy get away car they are driving!

Silly Groomsmen holding Pete - Erica was very nervous about injury to her Groom!

The Best Man and I (Maid of Honor) had to give our speeches at the reception - it turned out okay!

Each table had a very beautiful cake for the guests to cut into.

Stacey and I at the reception - it was so great to hang out together!!

A very tired looking Myles hanging out with his cousin Lily - they were so funny together!

Myles with his new Uncle Pete!

My parents relaxing with Myles during picture time at the church.

The lovely Bride taking a break while others are getting their picture taken.
Erica just finished getting ready for her big day!

Little Holly in her super cute red dress! At first I was a little worried that she wouldn't want to take off her lovely purple necklace, but she eventually did.

The very handsome Myles in his tux! My flash washed out the cute little vest and tie that he has on with this tux. He looked soooo cute!!!!!!

My Sister and Myles chillin for some pictures before getting the dress on.

Well, this was the big weekend! My sister married Pete Lehner, and now is Mrs. Erica Lehner! Yippee!!!!!!! (although it will take me a while to get used to the sound of that!) It was a crazy busy weekend. The wedding rehearsal was on Friday with the grooms dinner after that. It was fun, but for some reason, my kids were not on their best behavior. I think Myles was just really anxious and excited to be a ring bearer. We didn't get to hang out late with everyone, but by coming home so early, I was able to get so many things ready for the big day on Saturday. The morning came early and we were all up by 6:30 am. The kids got their bath, and we loaded up the car. My hair dresser came to my house to do my hair for the wedding and it turned out great!!! (Thanks Tanya!) We also hired a babysitter for the entire day & evening, which turned out to be the smartest thing we could have done. It was a huge help! We were at the church by Noon to get ready for pictures. The kids did pretty well, and we were able to bribe them to participate in some of the pictures. I think we even got some nice family photos. It was then a waiting game till the wedding at 4:00 pm. But once the ceremony started, it flowed smoothly and was beautiful! Myles did a WONDERFUL job pulling Holly down the aisle in a wagon. Before hand I told him to smile and have fun, and that if he sees someone he knows that he could wave at them. Well, he decided to wave at EVERYONE all the way down the aisle. It was super funny and cute! I wish I could have gotten that on video! The kids were AWESOME during the ceremony - better than I could have ever imagined, and they lasted the whole time in the church!
After the lovely ceremony, the bridal party went to Spring Brook nature center for some nice park pictures. We then followed the Groom & Bride in their classic Mercedes with the top rolled down to the Reception - very classy looking! We honked our horns almost the entire way! The Reception went well. Holly didn't really get to participate as it was starting late so she went up to the hotel room with the babysitter. Myles had fun sitting next to his cousin Lily. By 8:00 pm he asked Erik to go up to the room as well - he was sooo tired and relaxed a bit up there before going to bed. So while I am bummed that the kids didn't get to dance, it was for the best. We then proceeded to dance the night away and hang out with everyone! By 11:00 pm however Erik and I called it a night so that he could drive the babysitter home. I stayed in the hotel with the kids, and Erik crashed at home. He came back early in the morning for breakfast with us - we ate with my cousin and her family. Myles sure does get a kick out of his cousin Lily! They are 2 peas in a pod!

We are a bit tired today, but what a lovely wedding it turned out to be. I am so happy for my sister, and can't wait to get to know my new brother-in-law a little bit better! They will be living in Minneapolis, so it will be easy to hang out with them once they are back from their honeymoon. I am very happy for this!
Love, Andrea

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