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Friday, December 10, 2010

Pre-School Holiday program

Holly had her Pre-School Holiday program yesterday, and it was sooo cute! The kids had been working hard at learning a few Christmas songs, and the day finally arrived where they could show off their skills to family & friends. Both Erik and I were able to attend, and Holly was thrilled about that! She knew I was coming but Daddy surprised her. She shouted out "Daddy!" when she saw him. So cute! The program was about 20 minutes long (or less), and 10 of those minutes was a cute slide show with picture of what the kids have been doing this past month. The first half was the kids singing a few Christmas songs. They needed lots of prompts from the teachers and there were several parts that were just a mumble. But the parts they knew well, they belted out! After the program, we all went to the classroom for cookies and juice. It was so much fun!

The pictures are a little blurry - the lighting wasn't the best, and I had to zoom with my iPhone which makes it a little less crisp in quality. But she is still cute as a button!

Holly looking so cute in her little red & black outfit! I didn't want to put her in her fancy Christmas dress, but thought she should still have a Holiday look to her. She loved the little jewels on her black leggings!
Here is the whole group - it was great to have Holly up front so we could easily see her singing! She kept looking over at us. We blew kisses back and forth to each other.

Another group shot - Holly's hand looks blurry because she was shaking her jingle bell with gusto!

This first video is of the kids singing their first song - jingle bells. It was cute but I don't think they knew when to stop.....

Just one more little clip of them singing a different song - cute!

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