Welcome to The Johnson Family Blog

Welcome to Team Johnson's adventures! We hope to keep you up to date on our life & our adventures through this Blog. PLEASE leave a comment as we love to hear what you think! Thank you all!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Update with Myles

This is just a brief update about Myles. This past week, on Tuesday afternoon, he fell off the top of the slide at Daycare. So I got the call that he was hurt and would be upset when we picked him up (it happened at the end of the day). Erik picked up the kids and when I got home, he took Myles to the doctor. Sure enough - broken collar bone. I always thought that kids first did something that needed stitches and then break a bone.... nope - we got the broken bone first. So now poor Myles has to wear a sling on his right arm for 3-4 weeks. Things were pretty rough at home for the first few days - Myles was in pain, and didn't seem himself. He was waking up 3 times per night crying. It was tough on everyone. He now seems to have pepped up a bit and is slowly healing. I'll try to get a picture of him in his sling and post that.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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