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Sunday, July 20, 2008

3 days in Nebraska for Erik's Family Reunion

Erik, Holly, Aunt RoseLee, and Myles - Sunday morning just before we left for home

A very sweaty Myles eating some ice cream

Holly and Myles playing at the Topil family reunion

Holly playing at the reunion - she loved those toys! Thanks to who ever brought them!

A bunch of the kids calm down for a moment to watch 5 minutes of a video. It was a nice try.

Topil family catching up!

Erik hanging out with Doug Topil - Indy is asking Erik to transform Myles's toy.

Group of family enjoying time together!

The cutest picture of Erik and Holly ever!

Uncle Bob's Vineyards behind his house.

Myles at the Lincoln zoo - he is petting a millipede! Brave kid!

Mommy and Holly at the zoo - we had fun!

Erik and Myles at the Lincoln Zoo

Myles sitting on a Tortoise statue by the tortoise exhibit. It was really neat!

Holly hanging in her stroller at the Lincoln zoo - it was really hot that day!

Myles sticking his head through a caterpillar

Erik looking beautiful as a butterfly at the Lincoln Zoo - I knew I married up, but who would have thought that he would look so beautiful! :)

Myles climbing on the pretend spider web at the zoo -he had a ton of fun on this!

Myles standing in the giant egg shells at the Lincoln Zoo

We went to Nebraska on Friday morning to attend the Topil Family reunion (which was on Saturday). While it was a long drive, 8 hours, we made several stops to run around and eat lunch. Holly started walking (yippee!) and will take about 2 or 3 steps. On Saturday morning we went to the Lincoln Zoo and had a good time. Lots of neat exhibits! Then everyone took naps before attending the Reunion! Somewhere between 60-70 people attended and it was great to try and catch up with people. Myles had a blast and ran around until he was sweating. Everyone stayed up late, and we finally got back to Bob and RoseLee's house about 9:30 pm. We then came home on Sunday. While it is good to be home, we are sooo happy that we could attend! We hope that we can attend again soon! A HUGE thanks to Bob and RoseLee for letting us crash at your house! It was wonderful to spend time with you!

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