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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend fun!

Holly, Mommy, and Myles at the Como Zoo

Holly, Daddy, and Myles at the Como Zoo

Myles eating a giant sucker at the zoo

Holly playing outside - it's a bit chilly today!

Myles in his new wagon! Mommy even put it together all by herself!

It was a very nice weekend! Saturday was all about hanging out! How lovely! On Sunday, I went rollerblading early in the morning (on some new Rollerblades - they rock!), and then we got ready to go to the Como Zoo! Myles was very excited. We ate lunch, and walked around to see all the animals. Myles's favorite exhibit was the Ants. Cool, I must admit, but it baffles the mind that something he can see at home is what he was most thrilled about. Probably the Giraffes were his 2nd favorite. We came home for nap time, and then did yard work and chatted with a bunch of neighbors. Good evening! Now I must do homework. Yuck. Not how I want to end the weekend, but I guess it is necessary. Have a great night!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm home in one week and I expect the only thing that's going to keep me awake during my jet lag fog is my adorable niece and nephew. :) Hope to see them as soon as possible! Oh, and their parents too! Love, Erica