Welcome to The Johnson Family Blog

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday cuteness!

What a great weekend this is so far! Today we played with our kids all day, and they were very well behaved! Myles was having fun with Holly, and asked to have his picture taken with her. I ran to get the camera to take advantage of this opportunity! We got some really cute pictures.
This evening Myles is sleeping over at Grandma's and Grandpa's house - Yippee! We decided to go out to dinner (Mexican of course!) and enjoy some lovely conversation. Holly seemed to enjoy herself as she cooed and laughed the whole time!
I'm sure it will be an early evening for us as we are still trying to catch up on our sleep. Last night was a late night - we were out at my Company party until Midnight. Yikes! But hopefully we can sleep in a bit in the morning.

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