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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Painting Pumpkins

Team Johnson went to a free pumpkin give away this afternoon, only to discover that they were all out of pumpkins. Bummer. So after a free cookie and some hot cider, we ran over to the grocery store and bought 2 pumpkins. After going out to dinner with my Mom, and Brother & Sister-in-law at Panera, we headed home to paint our pumpkins. This occupied the kids for about 30 minutes. They were quiet, they were sweet, and they were happy. So Erik and I were happy! We might have to paint pumpkins every night this fall! :) Now we just have to wait for the paint to dry, and then set them out by the front door. I would highly recommend this activity to anyone with kids!

Holly starting to paint her pumpkin.

Do you think she has a grand plan for her creation? If not, she still had a blast!

Myles said he wanted to paint a Walker (star wars thing) on his pumpkin.

Myles proudly displaying his pumpkin master piece!

I'm beginning to think Holly must be into Abstract art....

Here is a close up of Myles's final product - a Star Wars Walker!

Holly's final product..... uh.... we'll just call it "Autumn Sunset"....

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