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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin carving for my birthday

On Tuesday, it was my 34th birthday. Yikes! I requested that my birthday evening be filled with family time. So I picked up Subway on the way home for dinner, and then we headed out to get some pumpkins for carving! It was a ton of fun! Myles was thrilled to carve pumpkins since it was something that he wanted to do days ago! So for an hour or more we cut, gutted, and carved our unique pumpkin faces. It was fun! Neither of the kids were interested in digging the guts out with their hands. Holly kept saying "Eew!" Funny little girl. Myles used a pen and designed his own pumpkin face. In the end, Erik had to help him carve it out since he was struggling a little bit.

The evening was a ton of fun with the kids! After they went to bed, Erik and I just watched a movie. It was so so but nice to just hang out.

Hope everyone has had a nice week!

Erik & Myles starting in on their pumpkins

Erik helping Myles carve out his design

My cutie pie Holly

Myles trying to carve before Dad had to help.

Holly was poking at her pumpkin with the carving tool after I finished it.

Here is my happy girl with her happy pumpkin!

Myles proudly holding his pumpkin when it was done!

The 3 pumpkins on the right are the ones we carved. The one on the left was the pumpkin that Holly "'carved" at daycare (however I would guess that it was the daycare lady who actually did it!)

Here is what they look like with the glow of the candles!

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