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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sledding with the family

On Sunday afternoon, we went sledding with our neighbors at the local sledding hill. It was a ton of fun!! The kids had a blast, and I got a work out going up and down the hill. Often I had to tow Holly back up the hill in the sled. She was not so fond of walking back up the hill. But it was a ton of fun! Myles brought along his snowboard to give that a whirl again. It was a nice & safe way to get him interested in it again. He's a little leery of it since he broke his arm last winter during his one and only snowboarding lesson. But he seemed to have a blast on Sunday!

Erik & Myles pause the snowboarding lesson for a picture - aren't they sooo cute?!

While it looks like Holly isn't very happy, she really was! I think she was just to cold to smile properly for the camera.

Here is Holly going down the hill all by herself. She wipes out at the end but if you listen carefully, you can hear her say "That was Awesome!". Funny!

And this video is of Myles giving snowboarding another chance. He is trying to learn how to turn while going down the hill.

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