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Monday, October 11, 2010

ER visit for Holly

Sunday was not the day of rest that I had envisioned...

Just before lunch Holly & Myles were playing outside. I ran inside to do a few things & get lunch started. Erik was outside when I heard him bringing in a screaming & crying little girl. Holly thought it was a good idea to stand up in the wagon, but lost her balance and fell out. Her head hit the cement floor in the garage and she was hurting pretty bad. It took me a long time to calm her down. I then served lunch to the kids, which Holly barely touched. Then I put her down for nap time. I ran out to do a brief errand, when Erik called to say that Holly had thrown up. I rushed home, and Holly was crying. She then threw up for a 2nd time. We decided that I should take her to the ER to see if she has a concussion. On the way to the Hospital, she threw up for a 3rd time. I got her cleaned up and went into the ER. They gave her something to calm her tummy, and waited for about 30 minutes. We then went to have a CT scan. Holly was very good and laid very still. I stayed right by her side, and she kept looking over at me for reassurance. This was probably the hardest part since my mind kept racing to all the bad possibilities, but I had to keep a smile on my face to reassure Holly.

We then waited another 20 minutes to get the results. It came back good and there was no bleeding on the brain. Yeah! So just a regular concussion that we can live with. So after some basic instructions from the doctor about what symptoms to look for, we headed home. Holly played like her usual self in the evening, but perhaps was a little crabbier than normal. But who wouldn't be after smashing their head on a cement floor!

My brave little girl getting ready for her CT scan.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

So glad Holly is doing ok. Two thoughts come to mind 1. Yeay, she's ok!! and 2. So glad this didn't happen on Friday!