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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Holly - 3 years old

Today is Holly's 3rd Birthday! I can't believe that 3 years ago, she was born. She is still my little baby. Just a little bigger, heavier, smarter, louder, faster, sassier, funnier, etc.... sigh. I sometimes really miss holding her in my arms and rocking her at night. That was so wonderful. But today, she is an independent and talkative 3 year old. She definitely has her own opinions on what to say, what to do, and how to do it. Yup - she is my daughter!

The day started off slow. I made muffins and eggs for the kids for breakfast. Myles loved his, Holly just at the cottage cheese. Figures! We then watched cartoons and played with toys for a while. I then needed to start cleaning. I was motivated to get most everything cleaned in the morning so that I could watch the World Cup Soccer match in the early afternoon. While Holly napped, Myles and I watched a tough match between Holland and Spain.

At 4:00 pm family started to show up. By 4:45 Holly was opening up gifts. It was cute! She really seemed to like everything and played with each thing. When we were done with that, Erik began grilling the brats & dogs while I prepared a few side dishes. Dinner went off without a hitch, and we all ate our fill. Cake and ice cream followed next. Yummy!

I would say that it was a very good 3rd Birthday for Holly! We love her so much and are looking forward to watching her grow this next year!

Holly starting to open up her gifts

Pausing for a picture before opening

One of her gifts was this little puppy - which she promptly put a sticker on its back.

Grandpa and Holly

Holly and her butterfly cake

For weeks I would ask Holly "what kind of cake do you want?" and she would consistently answer "A Butterfly one!". Well, places don't really sell Butterfly cakes around here, but Target does make this lovely Butterfly cupcake creation! Holly was happy with it, so I was happy!

Both kids were excited to eat their cupcake of choice!

The family singing happy birthday to Holly!

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